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Join date: Jan 24, 2022


Irene Torres is technical director of Fundacion Octaedro in Ecuador and science policy advisor at the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research. She serves as board member of the Ecuadorian Society of Public Health and is part of the Andean Migration and Health (SAMI) research network. She has a PhD in health promotion from Aarhus University in Denmark, where she belonged to the Research Program on Learning for Care, Sustainability and Health led by Venka Simovska. As member of Health Systems Global, she is part of the Fragile and Conflict Settings thematic working group. Her work has focused on school-based health promotion in rural communities, community participation in health education and health responses, inequity in health systems and services, migration and health, and the Covid-19 pandemic. Irene recently co-edited the book "School Food, Equity and Social Justice Critical Reflections and Perspectives" published by Routledge. She is currently leading the research in Ecuador on health at the borders, with funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and in collaboration with other Latin American countries. She has also worked in practice, creating an innovative graduate studies program in education and social development for rural and peri-urban schoolteachers emphasizing health and sustainability issues, gender perspectives, and participation, for which she edited the 16-textbook series.


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Irene Torres

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