Previous Conferences
To view the full programme of the conference, click here.To download individual presentation slides* please click on its title below.
​*Please note this only includes presentations from authors who have provided their consent.

Opening Keynotes
Conference Session Topics
Presentations - Health Status and Outcomes
1.1-O2: The Healthy Migrant Effect among migrants to Sweden, Magnus Helgesson
1.1-O8: Mortality trends and differentials by nativity status in the United States, Lihua Liu
4.2-O3: A prospective study of tribal populations in Odisha, India, Vikas Bhatia
4.2-O5: Self-reported health status among migrant men and women in Spain. PELFI Study, Elena Ronda
5.3-O2: Health status of underprivileged population in Eastern India, Vikas Bhatia
5.3-O4: Migrant health in Ireland: a scoping review, Nazmy Villarroel-Williams
Presentations - Mental Health and Well-being
1.2-O4: Loneliness among elderly migrants in the Netherlands – a qualitative study, Jeanine Suurmond
2.2-O4: Mental health and family composition after migration to Sweden, Elisabeth Mangrio
2.2-O8: Health behaviours and their determinants among migrants in Italy, Teresa Spadea
3.2-O8: Discrimination and mental health among Palestinian minority men in Israel, Nihaya Daoud
4.3-O6: Cultural considerations in healthcare encounters in Australia, Bernadette Brady
7.4-O4: Courses on dementia for immigrants in Norway, Inger Molvik
Presentations - Health Policy
1.3-O7: Universal health coverage in ‘One ASEAN’: are migrants included?, Renzo Guinto
1.3-O8: Universal health coverage for undocumented migrants. The Spanish case, Maria Dalli
Presentations - Diseases and Interventions
Presentations - Research Methods
Presentations - Parents and Children
Presentations - Health Services and Providers
6.2-O4: Fully functioning international medical graduates are not free of charge, Patricia Haenel
6.2-O5: Health situation of migrant and minority nurses: a systematic review, Benjamin Schilgen
Presentations - Exclusion, Discrimination and Exploitation
3.1-O1: The public health impacts of genocidal practice: a conceptual framework, Nicola Pocock
3.1-O7: Modern slavery as a public health concern in the UK, Elizabeth Such
Presentations - Refugees and Asylum Seekers
6.1-O5: Effective ways to address the unmet NCD needs of Rohingya refugees in Malaysia, Sok Teng Tan
To view all workshop abstracts, click here.
Supporting Doc 1 – [click here]
Supporting Doc 2 – [click here]
Supporting Doc 3 – [click here]